Variety is the spice ...

Pete & Gregor by Gina Wright

Concerts, recitals, ceilidh dances .....

all very enjoyable and no two gigs ever the same!

Very much looking forward to playing with

Muriel Johnstone

in a concert

in Dunkeld Cathedral  on

August 7th.

(NB  It's a lunchtime gig: 12 noon - 1pm)

Paul Murton with yours truly

In late June 2023 I met Paul Murton on the banks of the Tay near Dunkeld to chat about Niel Gow.  (The one rainy day in an unbroken spell of dry, sunny weather!) This was for part of Paul's series about Scotland's rivers.

Michael Portillo, Fraser Bruce and Theresa in the Old Ship Inn, Perth.  Filming for one of Mr Portillo's train journey programmes.  More waiting around than filming.  But these things always are!